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Kaye's stunning floral and nature pieces are a feast for the eyes. Each creation is a unique artistic expression, capturing the essence of the natural world with breathtaking detail and vibrancy. Whether you're drawn to the delicate dance of petals or the rugged majesty of a mountain range, KAye's art will transport you to a place of serenity and beauty.

Spring Blooms

Spring is a season celebrated for its vibrant blossoms and rejuvenating landscapes. For artists, capturing the essence of spring blooms through various techniques is both a challenge and a joy. This explores the fusion of fluid art and molding paste techniques to create stunning floral and nature artworks.This  piece is a combinations of fluid art techniques to do the wispy grasses  and flowers at the top and moulding paste to create texture and depth  in the other flowers.

Narre Field 1

This  piece is created using fluid painting technique. Acrylic paint is mixed  with a medium in this case Australian Floetrol, and the paint is  "swished" with an instrument, such as a spatula to create the design.

Narre Fields 2

This  piece is made in a fluid art technique with a swishing movement, or a  Ninja swipe. This is a subtle and relaxing piece of art.

Narre Fields 1 and 2

This  piece is made in a fluid art technique with a swishing movement, or a  Ninja swipe. This is a subtle and relaxing piece of art.

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